K + C | Georgian Terrace Wedding | Atlanta Wedding Photographer

There isn't a bad location at the Georgian Terrace hotel. Trust me. I've literally been all over that place. It is just stunning - EVEN THE ELEVATORS! Then you add an amazing bride, beautiful flowers, good vibes and you are setup for a fantastic day. And that is just what Kelly and Chris got! They were good sports too! I have them alllll over that hotel and the Georgian Terrace is no small space. I even had them on the roof top. Given the proper amount of time, we will hit all the portrait locations at your venue. I shoot fast for a wedding photographer, test me (haha).

Seriously, do you see what I mean? Just stunning. This is a dream location for any Atlanta Wedding Photographer. Having a wedding in a location like this means you can pretty much have free range of the venue to take portraits (I even got roof top access for the wedding party photos! See a few photos below). If you give me 25 minutes for your portrait session, I will take 26. If you give me 45 minutes for your portrait session I will take 46. I will use every minute you give me.

ROOF TOP ACCESS! yessssssssss. Did I mention I was afraid of heights? Well, lets just say the elevator ride up was interesting to say the least. Like it was high enough to make my ear pop. And all of us in one elevator, ah! Usually, if I keep photographing I am able to block out the scary things like height or bugs or tight spaces.... I have to because you hired me as your wedding photographer and I can't come with a list of things I won't do. I have been part of an helicopter exit. So imagine me on the roof top with no safety rails and a helicopter and a bride and a groom plus the wedding party!  Now a helicopter exit, let me tell you how scared I was that I was going to be so busy photographing and not paying attention and get my head chopped off (LOL) - seriously. But, I'm getting off task here. Lets focus! OH, but not before I tell you what happened at my most recent wedding where I sat my camera bag on the ground and somewhere in the ground was a nest of baby spiders, so my bag got covered with hundreds of baby spiders DURING the ceremony. Talk about professional... no one even knew ;-)

Georgian Terrace Wedding Photographer, right?! Ok.

Georgian Terrace Wedding

Atlanta Wedding Photographer

I have to give a shout out to all the amazing vendors this day. Not only did they work with my crazy timeline of wanting to hit all these great locations, but they made sure I had access to each location. And of course to Kelly and Chris for having me along on their wedding day journey. It was truly a pleasure to work with you both and your families. Thank you for trusting my vision. Best wishes for the future!

Wedding Planner: Peachy Keen Planners

Florist and Decor: Peachy Keen Decor

Venue: The Georgian Terrace Hotel

Photographer: Krisandra Evans Photography